Tuesday 3 November 2009

Jules Verne in Discoveryland

Coming back into the Discoveryland area of Disneyland Paris, there is a beautiful tribute to Jules Verne that is hidden in plain sight just off the entrance to Discoveryland.

This little section is often overlooked by Guests, eager to get to Space Mountain or Autopia. But this is another one of the ways Imagineers show who inspired them in the creation of Discoveryland.

The quote reads as:
Tout ce qui est dans la limite du possible doit être et sear accompli
Jules Verne
(All That's Within the Limits of the Possible Must and Will Be Accomplished)
This quote comes from one of Jules Verne's novels, The Steam House, which was published in 1880.

1 comment:

Gator Chris said...

That's a great detail. Can't wait to see Discoveryland for myself next year. Thanks!