Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Just Because

Originally uploaded by df82
I'm having a bit of writer's block at the moment - so, to pass the time, I thought I would share a lovely picture of Le Chateau at Parc Disneyland.

Personally, I think there is no limit to the pictures of this Castle I can look at. I love it!


Greg said...

"Don't forget to drop by the blog and say hi!"


No, I really like the castle in the Paris park and the cave under it. Very nice.

Greg said...

Additionally, congrats on the mention in DizNewsPlus today.

Ryan P. Wilson said...

I love this shot, it is gorgeous! Now, when can I move in?

Princess Fee said...

Thank you D.O.C. - I was shocked when I read that! How flattering!!!
And Ryan, I think you might need to take that up with Sleeping Beauty...