Monday, 14 July 2008

Memorabilia Monday - Stationery

I'm back now and, although I don't have a lot of time, I wanted to post something for you all (in between re-organising myself and catching up on blogs).

While this may be a bit of a 'cop out', I'd like to share with you some stationery from the Disneyland Hotel in Paris as today's Memorabilia Monday. Partly because I think it's very classy, but also because today is Bastille Day! I know stationery doesn't have very much to do with this national celebration, but it is from France.


Greg said...

I enjoy Memorabilia Monday. It makes me think I should share some of my collection of Disney things every so often.

Princess Fee said...

I love looking at people's Disney collections - but that's the nosey Princess in me!

Andy said...

Very cool - thanks for posting! I love seeing what the other hotels besides the ones I've stayed at have for stationary and other theming...